Thursday 13 September 2012



A disease can modify or affect chemical reactions in the body and set it to disequilibrium

Non-communicable: self-inflicted or created by environmental conditions, such as dietary deficiency diseases or cancers

  1. Scurvy
  2. Rickets
  3. Obesity
  4. Anorexia
  5. Coronary heart diseases

Communicable: Due to agents such as viruses or bacteria, which are passed between organisms

  1. Cough
  2. Flu
  3. Malaria
  4. Athlete's Foot


cause the disruption of the equilibrium of the body & the immune system helps to restore & maintain the equilibrium
** Not all bacteria are pathogen! (yaklut) But pathogen can be bacteria** 

  • Organisms that cause disease and lives in or on another organism.
  • When they infect an organism, they
  1. Destroy cells
  2. Produce toxins
  3. Interfere with normal functions in organism
  4. Invokes immune response that, if excessive, harms the organism.
  • To infect an organism, the organism must 
  1. able to survive the transmission from one host to another. 
  2. able to enter the host. 
  3. virulent – the ability to overcome body defenses (through its own replication) & only need to be initially present in small numbers. 

Different classes of pathogens:

  • Bacteria 
  • Viruses 
  • Protozoa 
  • Parasites
  • Fungi 

Further Readings:
Botox -

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