Tuesday 17 July 2012


Cell Theory

  1. All living things are made up of cells
  2. Cells are the smallest working units of all living things
  3. All cells come from pre-existing cells through cell division


A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions


Amoeba proteus
Red blood cell etc...


  1. Prokaryotic
  2. Eukaryotic


  • Do not have organelles surrounded by membranes
  • Few internal structure
  • One-celled organisms (bacteria)

  • Contain organelles surrounded by membranes
  • Most living organisms eg. plant, animal, fungi
(Not accurate)

Cell Wall

  • Most commonly found in plant cells & bacteria
  • Surrounds the cell membrane
  • Rigid structure that maintains the shape, supports & protects cells
  • Permeable to small molecules & small proteins only

Cell Membrane

  • Selectively permeable/partially permeable membrane of cell that controls movement of substances in and out of the cell


  • Contain chromatins that control cell activities
  • Chromatins contain DNA which is the genetic material
  • DNA contain instructions for traits & characteristics & carry out the cell's function
  • Separated from cytoplasm by nuclues membrane


  • Gel-like mixture
  • Surrounded by cell membrane
  • Contains organelles (nucleus)


  • Refer to the "powerhouse" of the cell
  • The food we eat is transformed into energy (ATP) for the cells & our bodies

Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • An interconnected network of tubes and vesicles
  • Synthesis of proteins, fats, steroid
  • Transports materials around in cell
  • Smooth type: lacks ribosomes
  • Rough type" ribosomes embedded in surface


  • Each cells contain thousands
  • Make proteins
  • Found on endoplasmic reticulum & floating throughout the cell

Golgi Bodies/ Apparatus

  • Work closely with ER
  • Primary function is to process and package complex molecules such as proteins and fats that are made by the cell
  • Brings these products to the surface of the cell where they can be secreted
  • Other secretions include hormones, antibodies & enzymes


  • Contain digestive enzymes
  • Digest excess or worn-put organelles, food particles and engulf bacteria or viruses
  • Also help repair worn-out plasma membrane
  • They also provide sugars, amino acids and bases which are the foundation of macromolecules
  • Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes


  • Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal
  • Central large vacuole-help plant cells maintain shape
  • Food vacuoles: formed by phagocytes
  • Contractile vacuoles (in freshwater protists): pump excess water out of the cell-------------->not in syllabus!

Chloroplasts (Absent in Animals)

  • Usually found in plant cells
  • Contain green chlorophyll
  • Where photosynthesis takes place
  • Converts light energy into chemical energy in glucose

Differences in Plants & Animals:
  • Plant cell has cell wall while animal doesn't
  • Plant cells has a large vacuole while animal cells has numeral small cells
  • Plant cell has a fixed shape while animal cell has an irregular shape
  • Plant cell has chloroplasts but animal cell doesn't

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