Friday 13 July 2012

Practical #2

Stage 2: Testing Ideas

       "Do mealworms prefer the smell of vinegar or the smell of air"

Aim of experiment: To find out if mealworms prefer the smell of vinegar or the smell of air?
Hypothesis: The mealworms will prefer the smell of air
-1 clear plastic tube 
-1 clear plastic tube with vinegar infused cotton ball
-6 mealworms
1) Place 3 mealworms in the clear plastic tube
2) Place 3 mealworms in the clear plastic tube with vinegar infused cotton ball.
3) Start the stopwatch
4) Wait for 10 mins then stop the stopwatch
5) Observe reactions of the mealworms
6) Record your observations down!
Independent- Presence/Absence of vinegar
Dependent- Reaction of mealworm
Constant- Temperature of surrounding air
ObservationsThe mealworms in the clear plastic tube with vinegar infused cotton ball wanted to escape but the mealworms in the clear plastic tube made no indications that it wanted to move away.
Collect, Record & Interpret Data: On moodle
What are some assumptions made?

Collabrated with Guo Bo Hui:

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