Thursday 5 July 2012

Practical #1

  • List the characteristics of living things
  • List the conditions needed to support life
  • Discuss with your group how you would carry out experiment to find out whether these unknown substances are actually living things.
  1. Which characteristics of the living things are you using in your experiments?
  2. How would you carry out the experiment?
  3. What kind of evidence will you collect to show it is living?
  4. From the evidence can you infer that it is a living thing?

All answers found here:

Physical Appearance of Substances A, B, C, D & E:

Substance A:

Substance B:
Yellowish in colour

Substance C:
Crystal-like; Water-Baby

Substance D:

Substance E:
Brownish; powdery

Why were these liquids chosen (Water, Glucose, Salt Water)?

I guess they were used to trigger some changes in the substances. It is also according to how much reaction they will cause the substances to have.

Table #1: Observation of Substance A, B, C, D, E in Water:

SubstancesPhysical AppearanceAppearance at 0 minChanges observed after 10 minsInference/Evidence of life
AUneven Particles; SandySome substance sank to the bottom of the test tube and some dissolved. Water turned murky.Slightly cloudy; particles sinkingNo evidence of life
BParticles are long; YellowishMilky; CloudyAlmost all substances dissolved in the water;  Water turned milkyNo evidence of life
CCrystal-like; Circular; TransparentRemain the same; substance at the bottomSubstance expanded in size; Water remained transparentLiving things grow
DSeed-like; RoundishSome floating at the bottomSubstance sprouted some yellow; Water remained transparent.Living things grow
EBrownish powdery likeParticles floating with clumps on top & belowSome floating; some in the middle; some sankNo evidence of life

Table #2: Observation of Substance A, B, C, D and E in Glucose

Appearance at 0 minChanges observed after 10 minsInference/Evidence of life
Some substance sank to the bottom of the test tube and some dissolved. Water turned murky.Slightly cloudy; particles sinkingNo evidence of life
Milky; CloudyAlmost all substances dissolved in the water;  Water turned milkyNo evidence of life
Remain the sameSubstance expanded in size; Water remained transparentLiving things grow
Some sinking at bottomSubstance sprouted some yellow; Water remained transparent.Living things grow
Particles clump together on top & belowSome floating; some in the middle; some sankNo evidence of life


Substance A at 0 min

Substances A and B at 0min (left to right)

Substances C and D at 0min (left to right)

Substance E at 0min

 Substances A, B and C after 10min (left to right)

Substances D and E after 10min (left to right)

All images from:

Table #3: Observation of Substance A, B, C, D and E on Wet Cotton Wool

SubstancesChanges observed after 10 minsChanges observed after 24 hrChanges observed after 36 hrInference/Evidence of life
ASubstance remained grainy and brown.Substance remained grainy and brown.Substance still remained grainy and brown.No evidence of life
BSubstance appears as creamy coloured liquid.Substance appears as creamy coloured liquidSubstance still appears as creamy coloured liquidNo evidence of life
CSubstance expanded in sizeSubstance appears even largerThe size of the substance is the biggest among the three timings.Not sure
DSubstance sprouted some yellow things.Sprouted some more yellow things.Yellow stuff became greenLiving things grow
ESubstance remained brown and powdery.White things appeared in between the substance.More white things appeared.Living things respond to changes


Substances A, B and C after 10min (clockwise from left)

Substance D after 10min

Substance E after 10min

Substances D and E after 10min (anti clockwise)

Substances A, B and C after 24hrs (clockwise from bottom)
Substance D after 24hrs

Substance E after 24 hours

Substance A, B and C after 36 hours (clockwise from bottom)

Substance B after 36 hours

Substance A after 36 hours
Substance C after 36 hours

Substance D after 36 hours
Substance E after 36 hours

All pictures from:

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